Why do “Free Thinkers” all Seem to Free Think the Same Free Thoughts?

A few years ago, when Covid was nascent and vaccines were not vexed, I published an article warning my fellow progressive thinkers of traps that had been laid for them by some very unscrupulous people.

The world was in lockdown, anxiety was rife, and all that some of us had left was the internet. Facebook and YouTube cashed in big time, filling our virtual worlds with whatever material was most likely to get us intrigued or enraged, preferably both.

The bait in these traps was always some juicy piece of news. Whether the stories had a slight grain of truth was utterly irrelevant, anything that touched a certain nerve would do. It’s still going on today.

Countless videos with ominous music and fast-talking hosts warning of the “elite” who somehow secretly control everything in this chaotic human realm. The tone is urgent and views are stated with absolute authority. Freshly baked facts are slung at you ten at a time with no chance to question them. They go straight into your brain like a subliminal ad.

The picture they paint is of a simplistic, caricature world populated by goodies and baddies – heroes who “speak out” and just the right number of villains. Anyone who dies suddenly is without the slightest doubt a victim of vax. This universe is a nuance-free zone.

The greatest thing about the freethink paradigm is that everything fits together like an eight-billion-piece jigsaw puzzle. No matter what happens in the world, the free thinkers know immediately who is responsible and why it was done. No room for doubt. No need to question their sources. Everything makes perfect sense.

I have watched in dismay as friends have descended the same tediously predictable path from liberally minded progressive to freethinking clone. From vaccines to WHO, WEF to Soros, climate change denialism to sneaky support for the despotic exploits of Putin.

Hmmm I wonder who could be making up all this bullshit? Surely not Wagner or the richly funded fossil fuel think tanks or right-wing book burning gay hating idealogues? No! Truth Tellers only of course.

The thing about bullshit is that you can keep on making it up and lay it on as thick as you like until facts are so smothered in a squelchy, sticky layer of excrement that they are mulched out of existence. No prizes for guessing what type of weeds grow out of this ideological compost heap.

Exchanges with free thinkers on social media rarely rate as conversations. Always the same repetition of supposedly supressed information spruiked by a thousand angry podcasters. Vehement, combative, insulting, unable to assimilate new information or critique their own views. It feels like they are reading the chapter of Pfizer from the Bible of Rant.

Those who fail to buy into the freethink fantasy, are branded as foolish, mask wearing sheeple brainwashed, by the MSM.

I’ve been pretty patient to date but now I’ve had a gutful. The reason is The Voice.

Now that I see my gentle, hippy friends lining up with Hanson, Dutton, Murdoch, Abbott, Palmer and all their insidious crew to scuttle the one chance in our generation to say YES to our indigenous siblings, I have had enough.

Every day I see new lies being excreted from the disingenuous disinformation matrix about The Voice. I don’t mean the no case as presented by some Aboriginal campaigners for whom it is not enough. I am talking about absurd and damaging nonsense.

It’s not elite pedophiles or the communists or Bill Gates or the WHO pulling the strings of this referendum folks, not even the WEF. It’s a majority our Aboriginal brothers and sisters asking to finally be heard.

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