Welcome to my new BLOG page

Hi to all my readers from Bodhgaya in India, where I have been privileged to sit under the Bodhi Tree these past couple of weeks with Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and a few thousand others. There were two ceremonies taking place, firstly a traditional Tibetan prayer gathering for world peace known as the Monlam, and also a newly devised event called the Siddhartha Festival. This second event featured a Buddhist practice performed in the style of Hindu  chanting, with Indian instruments, singing and even some real live offering goddesses!

I would like to let you all know that I have migrated my blog onto my music website so that I have everything in one place. I have plenty of new stories to upload, so make sure you keep in touch. I love to get your comments and feedback, so make sure you let me know what you think!OFFERING-GODDESSES-WEB

6 thoughts on “Welcome to my new BLOG page

    1. Thanks, feel free to follow the blog, and you will get an alert each time I make a new post.