
Here, from the comfortable brightly appointed guest house of the Chokyi Gyatso Monastery I overlook the steep verdant valley of Dewathang nestled among the towering tors and ridges which are crammed between the Indian plains and the mighty Himalaya. Bhutan seems like the most civilised place on earth. The people treat each other and themselves with a rare dignity, patience and humour, while the children giggle and flash curious eye twinkling glances at me as I explore the local village. Thick dripping jungle all around is teaming with wildlife including elephant, monkey, bear, tiger and several species of leopard, the other westerner here has spotted 130 species of bird in six months. Monsoon time is upon us and the entire surrounds are a swirling constantly changing theatre of atmospheric attitude. Above, below and all around stream fog, mist, cloud and thick thunderous cumulous which burst like a floodgate without a moment’s notice. The internet likewise wafts in and out through the ether as though the outside world were trying in vain to push it’s way in, only to be gently reminded that she is not really needed all that much. I think the outside world might have a lot to unlearn.